Boasting the ultimate in fashion, food, beauty and art, Starhill Gallery is now among the most luxurious and exclusive shopping malls located along Jalan Bukit Bintang, a prominent retail and entertainment area in Kuala Lumpur. Adjacent to Starhill Gallery is the JW Marriott Hotel, and connected by an air-conditioned walkway is the luxurious Ritz-Carlton hotel and serviced apartments. Within Starhill Gallery is Feast Village, a cloister of up-market restaurants that is also home to Jim Thompson’s flagship and first MyThai restaurant.
MyThai fuses the quaint setting of Jim Thompson’s house on the klong, embodying the man’s expansive nature and gracious hospitality, with the rustic charms of a local street-side food hawker cooking up authentic Thai flavours. The restaurant concept is based on the aestheticisation and appropriation of Thai street food culture into an interior restaurant, and aims to offer a dining experience predicated on experience and interaction.
Therefore, the design of the restaurant draws on the various food preparation methods observed on and the interactivity and sensory engagement experienced along a typical street in Bangkok. The concept of a restaurant is combined with that of an open kitchen and grocer’s market where guests are invited to walk right up to the kitchen, to inspect and to participate in the cooking process. Open kitchens demonstrate various tools at work – the open gas and charcoal grilling, the wok stir-frying and steaming, pots boiling soups and gravies, and even one action station focused on the pounding of Thai spices and herbs to create mixes, sauces and aromas. Within the controlled chaos of a home-style cooking environment, an atmosphere of casual freshness pervades, in contrast with one’s experience of the more traditional, controlled restaurant kitchen.
As a Bangkok street would showcase its culinary gems, MyThai is a restaurant in display. The engaging presentation of fresh produce and other food offerings elevate provisions and groceries to the level of design elements. With the physical design subservient to the food displays, guests are drawn more to the food than to the furnishings around them. Bright colours, fabric textures, concrete, wood, glass, sights of fresh produce, the activity in the show kitchen, aromatic Thai food and varied dining settings come together to remind guests of the variety of spices, herbs and contexts that flavour their meal.
Other design features help recreate an outdoor yet cosy dining atmosphere for guests. The highlighted weave pattern of the kitchen range hoods and back wall display shelving play on contrasts of light and shadow one would only experience outdoors. Four distinctly designed dining areas are inspired by vernacular Thai eateries, each a representation of the street side café, the coffee shop, the formal pavilion lounge and a library seating area.
Low coffee tables and chairs evoke the street side café. One perimeter is lined with private Thai-style salas, day-beds draped in fabric and suited for lounging. The other two seating typologies, the coffee shop setting and the library display setting, comprise flexible seating arrangements with glass cabinets and shelves showcasing Jim Thompson products. The retail component within the outlet enhances the Jim Thompson lifestyle product range and bridges the link between its restaurants and retail outlets. A secondary entrance is defined by segments of low, lit walls made of Thai carved tiles.
For more information, please visit Jim Thompson MyThai and
武吉免登路是吉隆坡最著名的零售和娱乐区,而升禧广场(Starhill Gallery)现已成为这条路上其中一家最豪华、最高档的购物中心,为消费者提供一站式的时装、美食、美容和艺术享受。升禧广场毗邻JW万豪酒店,并有空调走道连接着豪华的丽思卡尔顿酒店及服务式公寓。在升禧广场内的“Feast Village”汇集了一系列时尚优雅的高档餐厅,当中包括Jim Thompson的首家餐厅
作为“MyThai”的旗舰店,餐厅充分体现了Jim Thompson豁达健谈、热情好客的性格,融合了他在运河旁的房子的古色古香装潢,以及烹调正宗泰式料理的泰国街头小贩所散发着的亲切魅力。餐厅的概念是要把泰国街头美食文化的艺术和特质恰当地带入室内餐厅之中,并希望提供一趟以体验和交流为前提的餐饮享受。
贴近地面的矮咖啡桌和椅子,让人想起街头咖啡座。另一边是一排泰式私人接待室,设有悬挂着布帐的沙发床,适合闲坐休息,度过悠闲的美食时光。其他两种座位类型分别以咖啡座和书房为背景,包括可灵活调动的座位安排和展示着Jim Thompson产品的玻璃橱柜和陈列架。餐厅内的零售部分提升了Jim Thompson的生活精品形象,同时让人知道其餐厅与零售店皆来自同一个品牌。已装置了照明系统的矮墙用泰国生产的雕刻砖建成,一段段矮墙之间就是次要入口的所在。